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Webinar on Victimology (June 23, 2020)

Webinar on Victimology (June 23, 2020)



MP Police Academy, Bhopal is organising a Webinar for the police officers of the entire MP State, several police training institutions and other organisations. Many senior level police officers from across the country will also be joining in.


Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Bajpai, Registrar NLU Delhi and Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, is the distinguished speaker at the webinar. He will be delivering this lecture on the “Normative Approach to Duties of Law Enforcement Officers towards Victims of Crime”. He will be listing out what the duties of police officers towards the victims of crime are and what the duties should be.


Director (MPPA), ADG K. T. Vaiphei is the mentor of the webinar; AIG Training, Maloy Jain is the convenor of the webinar, and Addl. S.P. (MPPA), Rashmi Pandey is the moderator of the lecture.


The webinar was on 23rd June 2020, from 11:00 A.M.- 12:30 P.M., on the App – Cisco Webex, with the Room Code – 918353023.