Library Services & Facilities
Justice T.P.S Chawla Library is committed to support higher education and fulfil its mission by providing dedicated services to its clientele. Its services constitute dealing with the following assistance activities to its patterns:
Library Services
The library provides both anticipatory and responsive reference services from professional librarian to the users for maximum utilization of library sources and also advice on the usage of library collection.
Access Services
The Library offers circulation services to its patterns. It includes providing borrowing facilities, reservation of library document, collection of fine, no due certificate, re-shelving of library documents.
Current Awareness Services
Library Provides awareness services to its patterns and keep them current with recently published scholarly literature and reviews on development in the field of law and legal studies using information technological tools.
Article Indexing Services
In view of broad dissemination of articles published in Journals, Library facilitates Indexing services of the print Journals subscribed by the University library. Till date more than 15,000 articles are indexed under different subject flags and are accessible through OPAC.
Email Alert Services
Library send electronic alter services to its patterns about the latest case law, legislation, table of content and notifications of activates in social and economic development
Library Orientation Programme
At the beginning of new academic session. Library orientations are arranges as information literacy and outreach programme. The orientation programme includes library tour, Interactive lectures regarding familiarity with library resources and online databases.
Newspaper Clipping Services
National Law University, Delhi library subscribes to 16 newspapers in Print format. The library also provides press clipping services to research community of NLUD. The Library also provides clippings of news content or editorial opinions on law and legal studies arranged chronologically in more than 50 subject folders.
Library Facilities
Legal Information Resource Centre
To meet the growing challenges of internet usage and e-learning the library has established digital library (LIRC). The LIRC is well equipped with computer workstation having more than 20 high end desktop with Microsoft operating system and heavy duty printer and scanners, beside this separate bays are provided for laptop users.
Reprographic Services
Library provides photocopy, printout & scanning facilities to its patrons Subject to copyright laws.
Koisk OPAC Terminals
Library provides electronic access to more than 50,000 bibliographic records of library Books, Bound Journals, Articles Indexed, Thesis and dissertations through Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC).
Separate Moot Court Room
The library provides separate space or discussion room for the students preparing for Moot activities.
Lockers are provided at the entrance of library to assist students with their belongings.
Facilities for Persons With Disabilities (PWD)
JAWS screen reader software (talking software for blind) in the two computers in the e-research resource centre. - PERL Scanner
Perl scanner for visually impaired person for reading. - Separate reading table on the ground floor in the library for PWD.
- Braille books for the visually impaired students on the recommendation if any.