NLU Delhi Students Menstrual Leave Policy – 2024
1. Title and Application of the Policy
- This policy shall be called the NLU Delhi Students Menstrual Leave Policy, 2024.
- The policy will be implemented w.e.f. the date notified by the competent authority.
- This policy shall extend to all students on the roll of undergraduate degree courses.
2. Menstrual Leave
The policy aims to provide reasonable flexibility by providing leave while maintaining an attendance threshold as well as simplifying the process by accepting self-certification.
- The students covered under this policy shall claim up to 1 day of menstrual leave for every calendar month, during the teaching days at the University.
- Any unutilized menstrual leave shall be non-cumulative and expire at the end of the calendar month.
- The students shall be entitled to avail the benefits of this policy upon securing a minimum of 67% of attendance in an actual ongoing semester.
- Menstrual leave shall not be granted during examinations
3. Procedure to Claim Menstrual Leave
- The filled-in-leave form alongwith the dates of claim shall be submitted to the Girls (Warden).
- The Girls (Warden) after due verification, recommends and forwards the same to the Registrar.
- The Registrar will approve the leave and forward the application to the Undergraduate Council or Controller of Examination.
4. Constitution of Review Committee
There shall be ‘Review Committee’ constituted by the competent authority consisting of the following in case of any issues related to this policy:
- Dean (Academic Affairs)
- Dean (Student Affairs)
- One Faculty Member
5. Grievance Redressal Mechanism
- The Committee shall review complaints submitted by the students regarding the denial/misuse or any concerns related to menstrual leave.
- The students shall submit their grievance in writing to the committee clearly mentioning the reasons alongwith supporting documents.
- The committee shall facilitate hearing to the students on their grievances.
- The committee shall notify the concerned student of its decision within five working days from the date of the receipt of the grievance.
- All deliberations and documentation of the committee shall remain confidential.
6. Appeal
- An appeal against the decision of the review committee shall be made within five working days from the date of decision of the committee to the Vice Chancellor, whose decision shall be final and binding.