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ERP Notification

We are excited to announce the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (Edchemy) solution tailored to enhance our administrative, academic, and operational processes. This transformative initiative aims to streamline our daily tasks, improve communication, and provide a seamless experience to our students, faculty, and staff. Following are the advantages of ERP solutions:

  • Access all relevant information and tools from a single, user-friendly interface, simplifying administrative tasks and reducing redundancy.
  • Facilitate seamless communication between faculty, staff, and students through integrated messaging systems and collaboration tools.
  • Tailor the ERP system to meet individual needs and preferences, empowering users to customize dashboards, notifications, and settings according to their roles and responsibilities.

Implementation of this ERP solution signifies our commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in academic administration and support services. We recognize that transitioning to a new system may require adjustments, and we are committed to providing comprehensive training, support, and resources to ensure a smooth transition for all users.

Currently, the Attendance Module for students is operational, and other modules are in the pipeline for implementation. The login user and password have been shared with all the stakeholders viz students, faculty, and staff on their institutional mail id.

Further, all the students are requested to kindly login and active
their ERP account, The University has already updated the following
details on real time base on the ERP solutions:

  • Timetable: Live
  • Attendance Module: Live
  • Subject Allocation & Seminar Course: Live
  • Academic Calendar: Live
  • Module LMS Login (Study material sharing)
  • Message Communication
  • Medical and Academic Leave Application: In Process
  • Publication (Notice/Circular)
  • Guideline help file is available to view attendance
  • Project Submission: In process
  • Complete Examination module: In process
  • Fee Structure: In process
The Edchemy Mobile App for the ERP has been released for both Android and iOS devices and is available for download at the following links:


The expectation is that all faculty members mark attendance in real-time so that students and parents can access it immediately.



All students are required to check their attendance regularly.

  • If any discrepancies in attendance are noticed, such as errors in marking attendance by faculty members, please inform the concerned faculty member immediately to resolve the issue.
  • Students are requested to check their subject and seminar course enrollments in the ERP system. If any discrepancies in enrollment are detected, please inform the Examination Department.
  • For any technical issues, please do not hesitate to contact the representative of the ERP solution at the following link:
    Name: IT Department
    Email ID: [email protected]

We appreciate your patience, cooperation, and feedback as we work together to leverage the full potential of this innovative technology for the benefit of our entire academic community.

Looking forward to the cooperation of everyone.

This issues with the approval of the Vice Chancellor

Copy to following:
1. All the Faculty/administrative staff members, NLU Delhi
2. All the Students, NLU Delhi
3. All the Offices/Departments/Sections, NLU Delhi

ERP Notification