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Academic Initiatives


The narrative of Eklavya, derived from the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, serves as a timeless representation of exemplary discipleship.

Abhyasa Initiative

The existence of Nīti (i.e. law and institutions) does not easily translate into Nyāya (i.e. justice) in the real-world. This divide is essentially bridged through sustained effort…

International Visitors Programme

National Law University Delhi (NLU Delhi) is committed to fostering collaborative academic engagements and enhancing mobility of students, researchers and faculty.

National Scholars-in-Residence Programm

National Law University Delhi (NLU Delhi) is committed to fostering collaborative academic engagements and enhancing mobility of students, researchers and faculty.


In the recent meeting with the students the Vice Chancellor had announced an award to those students who successfully publish an article in a SCOPUS-indexed / Web of Science / UGC-CARE journals.


In view of the requirement for additional academic support for students, the University is instituting an Academic Support Policy. It is envisaged under two tracks…


In order to honour Teaching / Non-Teaching Staff / Doctoral Students / UG & PG students of the University who receive State / National & International Awards / Recognitions…

Vice Chancellor Medal

We are pleased to announce the Vice Chancellor Medal Scheme. This prestigious award is aimed at recognizing and honoring students for their contributions to academic and innovative pursuits at NLU Delhi.

NLUD Research Grant

Research Endeavour Grant 2024-25

National Law University Delhi has instituted a research grant programme that seeks to provide two annual research grants of Rs. 5 lakhs per annum each to academics and researchers based in any Indian institution/organisation.
Anubhuti NLUD

Anubhuti NLUD Project Exemption Policy

This policy applies to students of B.A. LL.B. (V Year Degree Programme) and implements clause 7.6 (C) of the NLUD Academic and Examination Regulations (2023).