Unravelling the Law with AI
CASEMINE is an advanced legal research platform designed to optimize the legal research by leveraging artificial intelligence.
CASEMINE offers two powerful AI tools (1) CaseIQ and (2) AMICUS.
CaseIQ is a contextual retrieval engine, which helps users find the most relevant cases by understanding the legal context, not just matching keywords.
AMICUS is AI assistant, goes beyond research—it includes tools for drafting legal documents and generating arguments, significantly optimizing the workflow for legal professionals and students. CASEMINE aims to make legal research faster, smarter, and more precise. It can be accessed from the link https://www.casemine.com/
The users can access it after registration via University e-mail id.
Note: A limited number of queries can be done through AMICUS, you are requested to use it sparingly.
The Economic and Political Weekly (EPW)
ISSN (Print) – 0012-9976 | ISSN (Online) – 2349-8846
The Economic and Political Weekly (EPW), is published by the Sameeksha Trust, a registered charitable trust in Mumbai from 1949, occupies a special place in the intellectual history of independent India. It is the only social science journal of its kind in the world.
Where other reputed journals publish either only comments on contemporary affairs or research papers, EPW is unique in that every week it publishes analysis of contemporary affairs side by side with academic papers in the social sciences.
- It can be accessed from the link https://www.epw.in/ for the year 2019 to present.
- However the back issues from 1966-2017 are available through JSTOR Database on the link https://www.jstor.org/journal/econpoliweek
EPW can be accessed through University website (within the campus), as well as through MyLoft.
AIR ONLINE is a digital edition of All India Reporter.
The database provides access of judgments published in various reporters published by All India Reporter Pvt. Limited
- Criminal Law Journal
- Labour & Industrial Cases
- All India Reporter
- AIR Delhi High Court Reports
- AIR Bombay High Court Reports (Criminal)
- AIR Bombay High Court Reports
- AIR Jharkhand High Court Reports
- AIR Karnataka High Court Reports
- AIR Cheque Dishonour Reports
- AIR Civil Cases Allahabad Law Journal
- AIR Supreme Court (Civil)
- AIR Supreme Court (Criminal)
- All India Reporter (Weekly)
- AIR Supreme Court (Supplement)
- AIR Supreme Court Supplement
- AIR Karnataka High Court Reports
- AIR Supreme Court Supplement
- AIR Jharkhand High Court Reports
- All India Reporter (Weekly)
- AIR Supreme Court Weekly
The Hindu
National Law University Delhi subscribes access of the Hindu and the Business Line Newspapers.
- Users can register using the link a https://www.thehindugroup.com/?contractId=TM94325MUP7T
- Enter the Email ID (above domain IDs) & set the password (Only NLUD Official Email IDs)
- After successful registration, users can login to https://epaper.thehindu.com/ to access The Hindu e-Paper and https://epaper.thehindubusinessline.com/ to access The Hindu BusinessLine ePaper
LiveLaw is an IP based legal database providing most updated court pronouncments with expert comments.
The database provides access of legal updates over top legal stories, news updates, specialised columns, interviews, job updates, book reviews, judgements overviews, and event corners.
The database is accessible through the link with in the IP Ranges or through remote access portal through https://www.livelaw.in/#nav.
Edzter is a databases providing access of more than 5000+ newspapers and magazines around the world.
The database provides view of various law magazines, journals and eBooks useful for regular course of study. Apart from the newspapers and magazines, the database is useful to access books for competitive examinations like Judicial Serviecs, UGC Net and UPSC.
The database is accessible within IP Ranges of the University or through Remote Access credentials through the link https://edzter.com
The Abhilekh Patal, derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Abhilekh’ signifying records of ancient times, and ‘Patal’ representing a platform or a surface, is a digital repository thoughtfully curated by the National Archives of India (NAI).
This platform serves as a gateway to India’s historical legacy, offering a treasure trove of meticulously preserved documents and records.
Significantly, the acronym ‘PATAL’ is also an embodiment of its purpose ‘Portal for Access to Archives & Learning’. At its core, Abhilekh Patal is a digital initiative with a mission to provide easy access to India’s historical archives, comprising of an astounding 7 million records.
As part of our continuous efforts, we are converting these records into digital format to ensure their access in the modern era.
The index of the 7 million records can be found under our ‘Reference Tools’ collection.
The NAI team has been converting the content of these digitized reference tools into a structured database and have so far created the metadata entries for approximately 3 million records.
NAI has digitized and uploaded 15 million pages from the 300,000 records. NAI is on a mission to digitize and bring its entire collection comprising of approximately 7 million records and 300 million pages on Abhilekh Patal.
Access to ICSSR Social science e-resources remotely (Off-Campus)
It is our immense pleasure to inform you all the scholars who are beneficries of the ICSSR Grants/Fellowships including Senior Research Fellows. Research Project Fellows, Post- Doctoral Research Fellows, Doctoral Fellows are allowed to access the scholarly journals & books of E-resources i.e EconLit with full text, SocIndex with full text, Political Science Complete, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), Education Sources, JSTOR, PsycArticles, J-Gate Social Science Collection in the following link after due registration.
Lexis Advance®India
Lexis Advance®India is a revolutionary and unmatched online legal research platform that gives you access to the content that you know and trust with the smartest search relevance technology with a host of other user-friendly features.
The platform has latest full text and headnoted judgments from Supreme Court of India, all leading High Courts and from various Tribunals.
The Universal Bare Acts with Rules and Regulations and legislations from various States are up to date and current on the platform.
Lexis Advance® India also gives you access to the leading and authoritative commentaries and analysis by renowned legal experts like, DD Basu, MP Jain, Mulla, A Ramaiya, Kailasam, Bhandari, Tannan, Ratanlal & Dhirajlal and Halsbury’s Laws of India and covers the Labour Law Journal and Madras Law Journal (Civil and Criminal).
The platform has International Content covering primary and secondary legal sources from the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth countries and premium contents like Halsbury’s Laws of England (HLE), All England Reporter (ALL ER), Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents, to name a few.
Westlaw Asia
Westlaw Asia is one of the primary online legal research services for lawyers and legal professionals.
Information resources on Westlaw include more than 40,000 databases of case law, state and federal statutes, administrative codes, newspaper and magazine articles, public records, law journals, law reviews, treatises, legal forms and other information resources of India, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States and European Union.
Westlaw Collection includes 1600+ Academic Journals; Legislation of Australia, Canada, European Union; United Kingdom & United States of America.
Westlaw Asia is specifically designed to provide legal research and resources for countries like Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the EU.
Westlaw Asia IP link – https://launch.westlawasia.com/signon?sp=innlsudel-1
Westlaw Classic provides full coverage of statutes and regulations for the United States and 900+ World Journals.
Westlaw Classic IP link – https://1.next.westlaw.com/browse/home/internationalmaterials?rs=IWLN1.0&vr=3.0&sp=innlsudel-1
It is IP Based databases and accessible within the secured IP Ranges.
HeinOnline is online research database with more than 100 million pages of legal history available in an online fully-searchable, image-based format.
HeinOnline bridges the gap in legal history by providing comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 2000 law and law related periodicals and 5000+ Classic Ebooks.
HeinOnline provides exact page images of the documents in PDF format just as they appear in the original print. This means that all charts, graphs, tables, pictures, hand written notes, photographs, and footnotes.
HeinOnline is counted as best database for access of academic articles form research purpose.
HeinOnline is also ip based and accessible within IP Ranges of the National Law University Delhi.
JSTOR archival collections contains the back issues of more than 1,500 scholarly journals across 50 disciplines and more than 2000+ ebooks.
Art & Science Collection IV contains most of the journals form Law Discipline.
Earlier the University had the access of only this collection. INFLIBNET under Law Consortia has extended the coverage of JSTOR for NLU, Delhi accessible within IP Ranges.
Full Coverage of JSTOR is available including Journals, Books and Archival Information.
KluwerArbitration.com is the online resources for international arbitration research.
It containscommentary from expert authors and an extensive collection of primary source materials including Conventions, Jurisdiction based information, Legislation, New York Convention Decisions, Rules and Chinese Court Decision Summaries on Arbitration.
It also provides Books, Journals and News related to international arbitration. Database is accessible within the IP Ranges.
Kluwer Competition Law
Kluwer Competition Lawis a leading online resource for EU and international competition law research.
It contains a wealth of commentary from expert authors, an extensive collection of primary source materials and a practice tool.
For a list of the print publications on the site please consult the books and journals pages.
SCC Online
SCC Online is a product of Eastern Book Company primarily providing Supreme Court of India Cases publishing in SCC Weekly.
SCC Online is known as most authentic source for SC Judgments due to its case notes and effective search. Other than cases, SCC Online coverage includes Articles published in SCC and Practical Lawyers, Central and few coverage of States Legislation, Law Commission of India Reports and Selective Judgement of High Courts of Indian States.
SCC Online is available in IP as well as CD based LAN mode. For LAN based installation, kindly contact IT Seciton of NLU, Delhi.
SCC Online IP based is accessible within the Campus ranges.
Manupatais a comprehensive online legal and business policy database.
It contains judgments of Supreme Court of India, High Courts of Indian States, Tribunals, Commissions and Commission and Committee Reports, Gazette Notifications, Circulars, Bare Acts, Rules and Regulation, Ordinance and Pending Cases and Legal material on subject based research.
It provides comprehensive search techniques including Manu Search, Legal Search, Citation Search and Act Search.
Manupata may be search through its website https://www.manupatra.com/ within university IP Access without an password.
CLA Online
CLA Online is a product of Corporate Law Advisor.
TI provides digital contents of Corporate Law Advisor Magazine along with Business Law Suppliment.
IT covers all volumes since its inception of both Corporate law Adviser and Business Law Supplement.
It provides comprehensve search techniqes like artilce search, case law search, notificaiton search, ciruclars earch, acts search, rules search and regulations search.
IT can be accessed through https://www.claonline.in/ configured within the IP Range of NLU, Delhi.
Worldtradelaw.net has two aspects.
First, there is free portion of the site, which is available to anyone who surfs the web.
The paid/subscribed aspect of the site consists of several elements, including well organized and easy-to-access primary source documents related to international trade, law; a full text search engine for GATT/WTO decisions, a large collection of links to other sources of information on the web and a discussion form. NLUD subscribed to the database till 2016 and the data subscribed for the period of 2014-2016 along with open access documents are available to access through this database.
Taxmann Online
Taxmann Online is a subject based database and provides case laws on direct taxes, indirect taxes and company laws.
It extends it coverage to acts, rules, forms, regulations, and circulars about tax law and company laws. NLU, Delhi subscribes three user access of Taxmann. IT is a password based access service.
The password can be asked from The Librarian. NLU, Delhi has the access of contents on Indian Taxation as well as International Taxation.
Indiastat is a product of Datanet Pvt. Ltd. launched in 2000.
IT is a gateway to comprehensive and authentic socio-economic information related to India.
This is the mother site of cluster of 57 websites delivering socio-economic statistical data related to research conducted in and outside India.
This is the only source to get statistiscal information about socio-economical problem around India.