Public Domain Resources
The Publications Office of the European Union is the official provider of publishing services to all EU institutions, bodies, and agencies. As such, it is a central point of access to EU law, publications, open data, research results, procurement notices and other official information. Its mission is to support EU policies and ensure that this broad range of information is available to the public as accessible and reusable data to facilitate transparency, economic activity and the diffusion of knowledge. |
Higher education plays a crucial role in developing the democratic culture without which democratic institutions and laws will not function in practice. In respect of academic freedom and institutional autonomy, democratic institutions should also play a key role in assessing and rethinking how our democracies should evolve over the coming generation to ensure a commitment to European values and the active participation of citizens in public space. The resources including publications, texts, lectures video available with the council has a rich source of information. Click here to Access COUNCIL OF EUROPE: HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH |
UGC provides access of 27 MOOCs in 8 Indian Languages, 135 PG Courses, 243 UG Courses and ePG Pathshala in 67 subjects from a single platform for higher education participants. Any students from any part of the world can available benefit of use of these open education resources for their research and educational purposes. |
SWAYAM is a programme initiated by Government of India and designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality. The objective of this effort is to take the best teaching learning resources to all, including the most disadvantaged. SWAYAM seeks to bridge the digital divide for students who have hitherto remained untouched by the digital revolution and have not been able to join the mainstream of the knowledge economy. |
To portray the status of higher education in the country, Ministry of Education has endeavoured to conduct an annual web-based All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) since 2010-11. The survey covers all the Institutions in the country engaged in imparting of higher education. Data is being collected on several parameters such as teachers, student enrolment, programmes, examination results, education finance, infrastructure. Indicators of educational development such as Institution Density, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Pupil-teacher ratio, Gender Parity Index, Per Student Expenditure will also be calculated from the data collected through AISHE. These are useful in making informed policy decisions and research for development of education sector. Click here to Access AISHE: ALL INDIA SURVEY ON HIGHER EDUCATION |
Swayam Prabha DTH
CEC is the National Coordinator for Non-Technology undergraduate (UG) and post-graduate (PG) programs for 11 SWAYAM Prabha DTH Channels that use (2) GSAT-15 transponders to telecast high quality educational programmes round the clock. Each channel telecasts 8 hours of fresh programmes every day which are repeated 3 times a day, allowing learners to view them at their convenience. The channels are free-to-air and can be viewed on DD Free dish and DishTV. CEC runs an exclusive 24×7 CEC-UGC Higher Education DTH channel – Vyas. Round-the-clock transmission is based on curriculum as well as enrichment programmes where 4 hrs live lectures and 8 hrs of recorded content is broadcast Monday to Friday, and 12 hrs of recorded content is broadcast on Saturday and Sunday. The educational content is broadcast on various subjects to supplement classroom teaching. The channel is also webcast on CEC’s website and web portal of Government of India. Recently, Vyas Channel has also been made part of SWAYAM Prabha DTH Channels bouquet. |
IMF Library
The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) eLibrary simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF’s periodicals, books, working papers and studies, and data and statistical tools. You will find information and perspective on macroeconomics, globalization, development, trade and aid, technical assistance, demographics, emerging markets, policy advice, poverty reduction, and so much more. For more information, please download the IMF eLibrary brochure. |
The World Bank is the largest single source of development knowledge. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products which can be accessed through this database. |
World Bank Open Data Portal provides access to make World Bank data easy to find, download, and use. All of the data found here can be used free of charge with minimal restrictions. Data displayed on this site are a subset of those available in the World Bank’s Data Bank, which contains extensive collections of time series data. The Data Bank has advanced functions for selecting and slicing the datasets, performing customized queries and data downloads, and creating charts and other visualizations. Click here to Access WORLD BANK OPEN DATA (STATISTICAL DATA) |
The UNESCO Digital Library is a key tool for enabling UNESCO’s mission of building peace in the minds of people, in particular by “advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding, and encouraging cooperation among the nations in all branches of intellectual activity, including […] the exchange of publications, objects of artistic and scientific interest and other materials of information”. |
Open Government Data Platform India is to facilitate the access to Government owned shareable data and information in both human readable and machine readable forms in a proactive and periodically updatable manner, within the framework of various related policies, Acts and Rules of Government of India, thereby promoting wider accessibility and application of government owned data and unlocking the potential of data for national development. |
UN Digital Library
United Nation Digital Library is a collection of digital documents preserved and provided by the Office of the United Nations to rest of the world. UN digital Library provides access of more than 10,27,000 UN Documents including publications, images, sounds, voting data and speeches of various UN Bodies like Economic and Social Council, General Assembly, International Court of Justice, Secretariat, Security Council, Human Rights Bodies, Economic Commissions and other UN Bodies. |
United National Official Document System is a dedicated Search engine provides access of UN official documents on the basis of various search terminology. One can access UN Official records on the basis of Symbols, words in title, date of publications, job number and full text search. Truncation, date of release, year, agenda number, and languages are other additional options useful for effective and pinpointed research search. |
The Legal Information Institute of India (LII of India) <> is an international standard, free-access and non-profit, comprehensive online collection of Indian legal information. The prototype is open for public use on 25 November 2010. It was formally launched in India in by National Law University Delhi at Vigyan Bhawan on 1st May 2010. The contents of the LII of India prototype contains 154 databases including legislation (the India Code from 1836, some State legislation, and commentary on legislation), Indian case law (over 300,000 cases in full text from the Supreme Court, most High Courts, and tribunals), treaties (all India treaties to 1975, plus many subsequent bilateral treaties), law reform reports (from the Law Commission), legal scholarship (six law journals to date, with scholarship repositories, books and judicial scholarship still to be developed), cases concerning India in International Courts and Tribunals, and cases concerning India from the pre-1873 English Reports. |
Delhi Public Library
Delhi Public Library
Research scholars, teachers and students can now access the resources of DPL directly such as Newspapers Archives from 1952, Online Catalogue, Rare Gramophone Records, unique collection of books on Delhi & Delhi Gazettes. Some other special services of DPL includes Braillee Library for the visually impaired, a Prison Library for the inmates of Tihar Jail and Mobile Library services to areas without library facility. E-resources subscribed by National Library, Kolkata is also available to the user of DPL. |
CONSTITUTE is a webpage providing access to Constitutions of almost all countries around the world with an updated version. One can access constitution texts in English as well as the language of the Countries. CONSTITUTE claims that New constitutions are written every year. The people who write these important documents need to read and analyze texts from other places. Constitute offers access to the world’s constitutions so that users can systematically compare them across a broad set of topics — using an inviting, clean interface. (Courtesy: |
Case Law
Judgement Information System (JUDIS)
Judgment Information System the Judgments Information system consists of the Judgments of the Supreme court of India and several High Courts. In the case of the Supreme Court all reported Judgments which are published in SCR Journal, since its inception i.e. 1950 till date are available. JUDIS also provides access of the judgments of all 21 State High Courts along with pronouncement delivered by select district courts too. |
Australian High Court Judgment
The pronouncements of Australian High Court (the Apex Court of Australia) from 1903 to till date may be accessed through the website maintained by Australian Legal Information Institute (AUSTLII). Judgments from 2000 onwards are also available for public access trough web portal of High Court of Australia at |
Canada Supreme Court Judgments
The Judgment of Supreme Court of Canada can be accessible through official website of Canadian Supreme Court since 1876 to till date since establishment of the Court. The Canadian Supreme Court also provides Canada Supreme Court Reports its official reporting journals in portable data file format since 2013. Individual judgments since 1876 is available in true copy format and can be used directed to submit court procedures. |
UK Supreme Court Judgments
UK Supreme Court was established on 1st October, 2009. Prior to this House of Lords was treated as the highest Court of Appeal in UK. The Judgement of UK Supreme Court (2009 to till date) and House of Lords (1838 to 2009) are accessible through British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BALII) and can be referred through the following links. The Judgments of other Courts of Appeals are also available through BALII database. Click to access UK Supreme Court Judgments |
US Supreme Court Decisions
United states Supreme Court provides the text of its Opinions (Term/Slip) through its official website. The Judgments of US Supreme Court can also be accessed through the Website of Cornell Legal Information Institute (Cornell LII) since 1990 to till date. Bound Volumes in PDF formats can also be downloading since 1991 Vol.502 to till date. Click to Access US Supreme Court Opinion |
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
ICJ is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). It was established in June 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations and began work in April 1946. The seat of the Court is at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands). Of the six principal organs of the United Nations, it is the only one not located in New York (United States of America). The judgements delivered by the court are accessible on the web portal of ICJ. Click to Access ICJ |
The European Court of Justice (ECJ)
ECJ officially just the Court of Justice is the highest court in the European Union in matters of European Union law. The court was established in 1952, by the Treaty of Paris (1951) as part of the European Coal and Steel Community.. Judgement of European Court of Justice can be accessed through the web portal. |
Laws & Legislation
India Code
India Code the India Code Information System contains all Central Acts of Parliament right from 1836 onwards. Each Act includes: Short Title, Enactment Date, Sections, Schedule and also Foot notes. India Code also provides complete alphabetical and chronological list of central act and the text of Constitutional Amendments and Constitution of India. |
PRS Legislative Research India
PRS Legislative Research (PRS) seeks to strengthen the legislative process. Bill Track and Parliament Watch over the business during process of making laws of Central Government f India are facilitated through this web portal. A team of law professionals provide access of parliamentary business information on regular basis through this web portal. ‘Laws of India’ is another initiative of PRS India provides access to State Laws.
Consolidated Acts of Australia
ComLaw is maintained by Office of Parliamentary Council of Australia. ComLaw contains complete and up-to-date collection of Commonwealth legislation of Australia. The web portal provides full-text of all recent Australian Government Legislation along with details of the lifecycle of individual laws and the relationship between them and related documents. |
Canadian Legislation
The Justice Laws Website provides an official consolidation, or updated version, of the federal Acts and regulations maintained by the Department of Justice as a convenient way for the public to view the state of the law, without having to carry out research and put together the various amended provisions. |
United Kingdom Legislation The website is managed by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government. Publishing all UK legislation is a core part of the remit of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO), part of The National Archives, and the Office of the Queen’s Printer for Scotland. |
United States Code The United States Code is the codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is divided by broad subjects into 51 titles and published by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives. Click to Access US Code |
Free E-Books
Project Gutenberg The United States Code is the codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is divided by broad subjects into 51 titles and published by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives. |
Internet Archives Google Archives or Internet is a revolutionary initiative of Google providing copyright expired and left books in verity of formats. Information in variety of formats i.e. text, videos, music and other formats can be accessed, used, download for reference. |
Online Book Page The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all. |
National Academies Press
The National Academies Press (NAP) was created by the National Academy of Sciences to publish the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, operating under a charter granted by the Congress of the United States. NAP offer more than 5,000 titles in PDF format. All of these PDFs can be downloaded for free by the chapter or the entire book. |
Open Access Publishing in European Networks The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences. OAPEN works with publishers to build a quality controlled collection of Open Access books, and provides services for publishers, libraries and research funders in the areas of dissemination, quality assurance and digital preservation. |
Directory of Open Access Books Directory of Open Access Books contains around 2170 open access eBooks contributed by more than 70 publishers. The books have been further categorized on various subjects and can be searched on the basis of bibliographic information and can be browsed on the basis of subjects. |
Electronic Theses & Dissertation
Shodhganga TheShodhganga @INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs submitted by the researchers Click to Access Shodhganga |
EThOS EThOS is the UK’s national thesis service which aims to maximise the visibility and availability of the UK’s doctoral research theses. It demonstrates the quality of UK research, and supports the UK Government’s open access principle that publications resulting from publicly-funded research should be made freely available for all researchers, providing opportunities for further research. |
Law Journals & Scholarships
Select International Journals & Law Reviews
- California Law Review
- Cornell International Law Journal
- Duke Law Journal
- Harvard Human Rights Journal
- Harvard International Law Journal
- Law & Contemporary Problems
- Texas Law Review
- Washburn Law Journal
- Yale Law Journal
Select Indian Journals and Law Reviews
Law Reforms Reports
Law Commissions
- Australian Law Reforms Commission
- International Law Commission
- Law Commission of India
- Law Commission of New Zealand
- Law Commission of United Kingdom
Human Rights Commissions
Indian Commissions and Committee Reports
B N Srikrishna Commission
Nanavati Commission
- Volume – I. (56 KB)
- Volume – II. (98 KB)
Justice Usha Mehra Commission
Mukherjee Commission
Report on the Justice Mukherjee Commission of Inquiry on the alleged disappearance of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Liberhan Ayodhya Commission
Commission on Centre-State Relation
Complaint Committee for redressal of the Complaints made by aggrieved Women Employee.
Reports on Commissions/ Committees.
International Organizations
- African Development Bank
- African Union (AU)
- Arctic Council
- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- Asian Development Bank
- Asian Productivity Organization
- Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific
- North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation
- Commission for Labor Cooperation
- Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
- Commonwealth
- Directorate General I – Legal Affairs – Treaty Office
- European Court of Human Rights
- The Euro
- European Patent Office
- European Telecommunications Satellite Organization
- European Union
- The European Union in the World
- European Commission
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- World Agricultural Information Centre (WAICENT)
- Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC)
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM)
- International Civil Aviation Organization
- International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)
- International Development Association
- International Finance Corporation
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- International Maritime Organisation
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- International Trade Centre
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- Nuclear Energy Agency
- United Nations
- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
- United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- International Trade Center
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Human Development Report Statistics
- United Nations International Drug Control Programme
- International Court of Justice (ICJ)
- International Criminal Court (ICC)
- International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- United Nations Crime and Justice Information Network
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- World Bank Group
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- World Meteorological Organization
- World Trade Organization (WTO)