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HeinOnline has a treasure of more than 5000 Legal Classic E-Books on variety of law subjects. The Legal Classic E-Books under HienOnline can be accessed through it website within IP Ranges of the University. User may see the list of books available or otherwise may access to HeinOnline webpage as tagged below. The Accessing books please click on Login given on right hand side top. Select Classic Law Books from the list for browsing/ searching the collection.
List of Legal Classic E-Books

Oxford E-Books

Oxford E-Books

Oxford E-Books have also been included in the list of subscribed eBooks of the National Law University Delhi. A set of 682 eBooks published by Oxford University Press under Oxford Scholarship Online in perpetual mode over the law and allied subjects are available for reference.
OUP Academic Books Online

List of E-Books

Cambridge University E-Books

Cambridge University E-Books

Cambridge University E-Books NLU, Delhi Library subscribes a bunch of 464 eBooks on law and allied subjects. The books have been subscribed on perpetual basis. These books can be accessed with IP Ranges of the University. The List of the books can be accessed through the following link.
List of CUP eBooks

Taylor & Francis E-Books

Taylor & Francis E-Books

Taylor & Francis E-Books Justice T.P.S. Chawla also have perpetual access of 300 electronic books published by Taylor & Francis Publication. The titles may be accessed full text with in the IP Ranges of NLU, Delhi.
List of T&F eBooks

E-Hart Books

E-Hart Books

E-Hart Books Justice T.P.S. Chawla subscribes 963 eBooks related to law and allied subject published by Hart Publication through two different access platforms on perpetual basis.

Brill E-Books

Brill E-Books

National Law University Delhi has recently purchased access of Brill eBooks. Students can access 411 eBooks through this platform related to international law, human right and humanitarian law and other allied subjects.

List of Brill eBooks

World eBook Library

World eBook Library

The World Library Foundation is the world’s largest collection of Books and Articles in electronic format. Founded in 1996, the World Library Foundation is a global coordinated effort to preserve and disseminate digital facsimiles of historical books, classic works of literature, serials, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other heritage works in a number of languages and countries around the world. World Library Foundation is a IRC 501(c)(4) Organization, organized Not for profit, but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare. Our mission is to serve and aid the public, students, and educators, by providing the world’s most complete collection of electronic books, documents, and articles online, as well as offer a variety of services and resources that support and strengthen the instructional programs of education, elementary through post-baccalaureate studies.

Springer eBooks

Springer eBooks

National Law University Delhi has recently subscribed Springer eBooks 2016 Law and Criminology Module.  The database has also include more than 100 eBooks published by the Springer which are available to use under Golden Open access Policy and Creative Common Licenses.
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