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Visit of Mr. Sherif Saadallah, Executive Director, WIPO Academy along with Dr. Pushpendra Rai at NLUD (January 11, 2024)

Visit of Mr. Sherif Saadallah, Executive Director, WIPO Academy along with Dr. Pushpendra Rai at NLUD (January 11, 2024)

We were glad to host Mr. Sherif Saadallah, Executive Director, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Academy along with Dr. Pushpendra Rai, Advisory Board, Centre for Innovation in Public Policy & Former IAS at National Law University Delhi on 11.01.2024.

The visit resulted in fruitful discussions between the dignitaries and Prof. (Dr) G.S. Bajpai, Vice-Chancellor, NLUD along with Dr. Yogesh Pai, Associate Professor, Co-Director, CIIPC, IPR Chair, NLUD with regard to advancing intellectual property education, fostering global collaboration and strengthening the ties between the WIPO Academy & NLUD.

This is in furtherance of the much anticipated Joint Masters/LL.M. in IP Law and Management scheduled to be launched from August 2024 in pursuance of the tripartite MoU between National Law University Delhi with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and the Office of Controller General of Patents Designs and TradeMarks (CGPDTM -Indian IP Office), Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.