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Visit of Honourable Dr. Ananda Mohan Bhattarai, Justice, Supreme Court of Nepal (February 24, 2020)

Visit of Honourable Dr. Ananda Mohan Bhattarai,  Justice, Supreme Court of Nepal (February 24, 2020)

Honourable Dr. Ananda Mohan Bhattarai, 
Justice, Supreme Court of Nepal visits NLU Delhi


Honourable Dr. Ananda Mohan Bhattarai, Justice, Supreme Court of Nepal, visited NLU Delhi interacting with the Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh, on 24th February 2020. While on his visit here he addressed the NLUD students in their classroom and also visited the renowned Justice T. P. S. Chawla Library of the University.


Also, Vice Chancellors Prof. (Dr.) V. Vijayakumar (NLIU Bhopal) and Prof. (Dr.) Balraj Chauhan (DNLU Jabalpur) visited NLU Delhi.