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Two Days ‘Legal Awareness Program’ on February 24-25, 2017

Two Days ‘Legal Awareness Program’ on February 24-25, 2017

The Centre for Comparative Studies in Personal Laws, National Law University, Delhi (NLUD) in collaboration with National Commission for Women, Delhi organized a Two Days‘Legal Awareness Program’on February 24-25, 2017 on the NLU Delhi campus, which was participated by students of Kendrya Vidyalya, Dwarka and by women workers of NLU, Delhi.

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, National Law University, Delhi, addressed the students and female staff of National Law University Delhi, explaining the importance for one to be self-awakened about a number of things that happen around us. He further stated that the initiative to awake the society must come to each one of us from within.

Prof. S Sachidhanandam gave a welcome speech and addressed young minds by explaining them the importance of legal knowledge in the day-to-day life.

This Legal Awareness Program was a huge success and a great learning experience for the participants, volunteers and organizers too. Students of NLU Delhi also presented a small skit on social problems viz.female feticide, girls’ education and early marriage etc. to impart awareness amongst the participants. During the Program, basic Constitutional provisions and laws relating to women and children, their significance and simple methods to get them enforce were discussed by the speakers in different sessions of the Program.

The Program was directed and organized by Prof. (Dr.)AnupamaGoel and Prof. (Dr.) Anju Tyagi, Directors of the Centre for Comparative Studies in Personal Laws, National Law University, Delhi. Mr.SidharthDahiya, Assistant Registrar of NLU, Delhi coordinated the whole Program.