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Training Workshop on “Basic Computer Skills and Effective use of Internet for Efficiency Enhancement in Performing Office Work” (July 5, 2019)

Training Workshop on “Basic Computer Skills and Effective use of Internet for Efficiency Enhancement in Performing Office Work” (July 5, 2019)

A one day training workshop on the topic “Basic Computer Skills and Effective use of Internet for Efficiency Enhancement in Performing Office Work” was organised by the National Law University Delhi, on 5th July, 2019, under the aegis of IQAC Cell, NLUD.

Ms. Jyoti Yadav, Deputy Director (Systems), Directorate of Income Tax, Govt. of India, and Mr. Amit Kumar Yadav, Lecturer (Computer Engineering), G.B. Pant Institute of Technology, Directorate of Training and Technical Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, were invited to deliver a lecture on the above mentioned topic. The workshop was organised for the Administrative Staff (non-teaching) of NLUD, with an aim to enhance the end user knowledge in ICT, which could help them in their day-to-day routine office work. Over 30 administrative staff members attended this workshop.

During the lecture the following topics were covered:

Ø  Things to keep in mind while drafting mails, language to be used

Ø  Things to keep in mind while printing documents

Ø  How to use excel content for printing, things to keep in mind to use excel efficiently

Ø  How to use free available resources viz. Google Drive, Google Forms and creates links

Ø  How to create hyperlinks to external content

Ø  Formatting, Page layout, Cropping content in word

Ø  Shortcuts command for using Computers

Ø  Shortcuts command for using MS-Office

Ø  Shortcuts command for using Internet

Ø  Working with tables and images

Ø  Working with Image Tools (viz. Cropping & Snipping Tool)

Ø  Working with PDF

Ø  How to use Text as shapes and create Image text sheet in Word.

Ø  Conversion of different files in different format (Images, PPT, Word, PDF)

The concluding remarks was given by Dr. Priya Rai, Coordinator, IQAC Cell, NLUD.