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The Abhyasa Session in International Law (March 11, 2024)

The Abhyasa Session in International Law (March 11, 2024)

The Abhyasa Session in International Law on the topic of ‘Investor State Dispute Settlement’ was held on the 11.03.24. The Speakers of the session were Michael Guiffre and Ian A. Laird, Partners at Crowell & Moring LLP, Washington DC.

They touched upon certain basic provisions and principles of the Investment State Dispute Settlement under International Investment Law like the:

• Background and Evolution of ICSID

• The concept of Jurisdiction/Admissibility under ICSID

• Definition of Investor and Investment under ICSID

• Fair and Equitable Treatment standard in International Investment Law

• Legitimate Expectations in International Investment Law

• Expropriation in International Investment Law

• Public policy in International Investment Law

• Enforcement of Arbitral Awards under International Investment Law.

All the above themes were interspersed and discussed with the existing jurisprudence on the subject