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Home » One Day Training Programme on Human Rights for University/College in Association with NHRC, March 21, 2017

One Day Training Programme on Human Rights for University/College in Association with NHRC, March 21, 2017

A one-day Training Programme on Human Rights was organized by National Law University, Delhi in collaboration with National Human Rights Commission.


Prof. Prasannanshu the co-convenor of the Training programme presented a programme introduction. The welcome address was delivered by the Honourable Vice-Chancellor of National Law University, Delhi Prof. Ranbir Singh. This was followed by an address by Prof. Sachidhanandam, one of the senior-most faculty members of NLUD, and close with a Vote of thanks by the Convenor and Organizing Secretary Dr. Ritu Sharma, Assistant Professor, NLU Delhi.  


From 10:30 am to 4:30 pm there were 4 sessions in the following sequence: An Introduction to Human Rights by Dr. Bharti Kumar; Human Rights’ Institution in India by Mr. Iqbal Ahmad; Rights of Women and Children by Dr. Maheshwar Singh and finally the Rights of other vulnerable groups by Dr. J.S. Mann.


The training programme aimed to sensitize the youth on the issue of human rights by raising the levels of awareness. The students of today are expected to take various roles in the society tomorrow. If they are sensitized towards the issues of human rights then it can be expected of them to help in evolving a fairer society, where human rights are respected to a greater degree.


Convener- Dr. Ritu Sharma, Assistant Professor (Sociology), National Law University, Delhi.

Co- Convener- Prof. Prasannanshu, Professor (English), National Law University, Delhi.