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National Seminar on Caste Panchayats, Democracy and Constitutional Values on April 15 – 16, 2017

National Seminar on Caste Panchayats, Democracy and Constitutional Values on April 15 – 16, 2017

Two Day National Seminar on Caste Panchayats, Democracy and Constitutional Values was organised by the Centre for Social Inclusion and Minority Rights, National Law University, Delhi on 15-16 April 2017. The National Seminar was attended by more than 50 participants from different parts of the country. About 40 participants presented their insightful research papers pondering on various critical issues of the subject matter. The National Seminar was convened by Dr. Vinod Kumar, Associate Professor of Law (NLU Delhi) and inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor of the University. The Key Note Address was delivered by Upendra Baxi, Professor Emeritus Warwick University.