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MoU between Sheffield Hallam University, U.K and National Law University, Delhi

MoU between Sheffield Hallam University, U.K and National Law University, Delhi

The National Law University, Delhi has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Department of Law & Criminology, Sheffield Hallam University, U.K.

Dr. Craig Paterson, Principal Lecturer in Criminology & Head of International Business Development and Dr. Bruce Houlder, Member of Law & Criminology Advisory Panel, Sheffield Hallam University were present on this occasion.

This MoU is the outcome two collaborative events held at National Law University, Delhi and Sheffield Hallam University, respectively. The first event, ‘Moving Towards a Victim-Oriented Criminal Justice System – A Dialogue’ was held on 15th September 2015, at National Law University, Delhi wherein Dr. Craig Paterson and Barrister Oscar Del Fabbro were present along with other delegates from Sheffield Hallam University, U.K. and addressed the audience. The second event, Special Seminar on ‘The Search for Victim Perspectives in Criminology in Post Delhi Gang Rape Period’ was hosted by Sheffield Hallam University on 04th December 2015 involving the participation of two faculty members from NLU Delhi namely Prof. B.B. Pande, Chair Professor, Criminal Law, NLU Delhi and Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai, Registrar, NLU Delhi.

This MoU will mainly focus on the niche areas of Victimology and Research Methodology and will facilitate student and faculty exchanges between the two institutions besides facilitating the training of Judiciary and undertaking Joint Research Projects.
