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International Conference on “Reforming Prosecution for Victim Justice” on June 21-22, 2019

International Conference on “Reforming Prosecution for Victim Justice” on June 21-22, 2019

For the first time as an International Conference in the country, Prosecution Reforms are being looked into from the Perspective of Crime Victims and Victim Justice. This is a novel effort by NLU Delhi towards providing opportunities to students, scholars, faculty, and other governmental or International Stakeholders to participate in re-imagining the Criminal Justice System focussing on victim justice.

Organised by K. L. Arora Chair in Criminal Law and Centre for Criminology and Victimology, in association with Indian Society of Victimology and Victim Support Asia; this is a step forward towards facilitating and strengthening efforts towards Victim Justice in the Asian region as part of Prof. Dr. G. S. Bajpai, Registrar, NLUD, serving as Vice President of the ‘Victim Support Asia’ (VSA) since March 2019. Also this is a collaborative step under the MoU signed between ‘Centre for Criminology and Victimology’ (CCV), NLU Delhi, and ‘The Indian Society of Criminology’ (ISC) in February 2019.

This International Conference has attracted over 70 presenters, participants, nominees, and honourable luminaries, including Prof. Balraj Chauhan, Vice-Chancellor, Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur, as Guest of Honour; and HMJ Justice Madan Lokur, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India, as Chief Guest.

The representatives of—different State Prosecution Departments, National Commission for Women, and State Child Prosecution from the Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights are also participating in it.