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First Legal Awareness Workshop (October 11, 2023)

First Legal Awareness Workshop (October 11, 2023)

The Legal Services Committee together with V Year students in the Legal Aid Clinic Course at National Law University, Delhi conducted the first legal awareness workshop as part of the capacity-building program under the LSC’s Right to Education Initiative. The session was held in CRPF School, Dwarka on 9 September 2023 for Class 9-12 students.

The workshop dealt with topics such as constitutional law, the judicial system in India, the POCSO Act, domestic violence, and cyber security.

The aim of the workshop was to familiarize students with the fundamental aspects of the legal system of the country and to provide them with basic information that would be of utility in their day-to-day lives. The idea behind this is to empower students and allow them to gain an understanding of their rights.

The session was interactive and engaging for the students and was appreciated by the teachers and staff of the school. Ritu Ahuja, Vice-Principal of CRPF, also encouraged the LSC to continue conducting the sessions in the future.