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Home 9 Faculty 9 Dr. Monika Negi

Dr. Monika Negi

Assistant Professor

Academic and Teaching Profile

Graduated from Lady Shriram College, Delhi, completed all her legal education LL.B, LL.M and Ph.D (2017) from the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi.

Taught for one year [2015-16] at the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, courses on Jurisprudence and Intellectual Property Rights. Assisted writing on a book on the Law of Trademarks, Thomson Reuters, 2014 (Prof Ashwani Kumar Bansal, then Dean at the Faculty of Law) as a Ph.D scholar.

Selected as one of the first Senior Research Fellows [S.R.F], 2013 at the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi

Teaching in National Law University, Delhi from August 2016, courses on Research Methodology [LL.M 2016], Jurisprudence [2016 and 2020].

Extensively teaching from August 2016, LL.B courses on Public International Law and International Trade Law

Research emphasis on History and Theory of International Law, Sanctions in International Law, Law of the Sea, History and Theory of International Trade Law, Global Value Chains in International Trade, Intersection between Trade, Environment and Development under International Trade.

Significant Academic Endaevours

  • Appointed as a India Country Expert in International Law in the Conference on Teaching and Research in International Lawhosted by Centre for International Law,  National University ofSingapore, June 21-25th, 2018.
  • Paper on the topic of Legal Pluralism in International Lawgot selected and presented in the Junior Scholars Workshop in the Conference on Teaching and Re-search in International Law organized by the National University of Singapore, June 21-22, 2018.
  • Presented the Paper ‘Global Value Chains and ASEAN: A Case for Diversification’ in the ASEAN Law Academy Conference on the 26th February, 2021 conducted by the Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
  • Presented the Paper: ‘Asian Historiography and International Law: Uniformity or Unity in Diversity’ at the Asian Legal History Conference on the 24th of July, 2021 organised by the Centre for Comparative and Transnational Law [Transnational Legal History Group] at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and co-organised by the University of Law- Hue University, Vietnam.
  • Chaired a Session on the ‘Histories of International Law’ at the Asian Legal History Conference on the 24th of July, 2021 organised by the Centre for Comparative andTransnational Law [Transnational Legal History Group] at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and co-organised by the University of Law- Hue University,Vietnam.
  • Selected from more than 100 scholars around the world to co-author the first ever open access book on Public International Law by Open Legal Science called Open Rewi (Rechtswissenschaft), Germany on June 26, 2021.