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Conquest 2023 (October 21, 2023)

Conquest 2023 (October 21, 2023)

National Law University, Delhi, in collaboration with Centre for Law and Policy Research, Bangalore, organized ConQuest 2023, India’s Premiere National Quiz on the Indian Constitution, History and Politics. This year, the theme for ConQuest was Artificial Intelligence and its intersection with constitutional matters and related technologies. It was organized with the aim to encourage undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines including natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, humanities, and law to engage with the Indian Constitution, law, politics, history and current affairs.

The north regional round of the event was organized on 21st October 2023, in National Law University, Delhi, with over 50 teams participating from various colleges and across streams. The team from National Law University, Delhi emerged Winners while the team from Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi emerged First Runner Up. Both teams have qualified for the Final National Round of the competition.

Two members from the Centre for Law and Policy Research, Mr. Vineeth Krishna, Senior Research Associate and Editor, and Mr. Anish Saha, Communications Associate, along with National Law University, Delhi’s faculty coordinator, Dr. Dakshina Chandra and 13 student volunteers from the first year, contributed in efficiently organizing and successfully conducting the event. The event sparked the interest of the students in the Constitution, law, politics and history and was a grand success.