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Conference on Pre Trial Processes, March 14-15, 2017

Conference on Pre Trial Processes, March 14-15, 2017

Conference on Pre Trial Processes

The Centre for Criminology and Victimology and The Centre for Constitutional Law, Policy and Governance at the National Law University, Delhi in collaboration with the Pepperdine University School of Law organized a two day Conference on Pre Trial Processes under the aegis of IQAC on the 14th and 15th of March 2017. The inaugural session was presided over by Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh, Vice Chancellor, National Law University Delhi. Prof. Singh in his introductory remarks emphasized on the importance of collaborations between universities to understand the differences in culture and to make the best out of available resources.

The first panel gave an overview of pre trial processes in India and the US. Over one and a half days, topics including Pre-trial detention and access to legal counsel and bail, disclosure of evidence, juveniles in the criminal justice system, the role of sentencing guidelines in pre-trial case resolution and plea bargaining as a solution to case backlog were discussed. Prof.(Dr). G.S Bajpai talked about the development and use of Plea Bargaining in India and Andrew Khuaka, Technical Advisor to Uganda Judiciary presented a case study of Uganda on Plea bargaining as a solution to case backlog. Judge Mike DiReda of the Utah Superior Court, Prof. B.T Kaul, Chairperson, Delhi Judicial Academy, Melissa Mertens- Public Defender, Dr. Aparna Chandra, Assistant Professor of Law and Research Director, Centre for Constitutional Law, Policy and Governance, NLU Delhi, Dr. Mrinal Satish- Associate Professor of Law and Executive Director of the Centre for Constitutional Law, Policy and Governance, NLU Delhi; Lisa Brackelmanns- Public Defender, Juvenile Division; Shabaz Shervani, Case work Director, Counsel to Secure Justice; Dr. Bharti Yadav, Assistant Professor of Law, NLU Delhi and Michelle Mendonca, Project Director, Counsel to Secure Justice made presentations at the Conference. The concluding session on discussion of outcomes from the conference was chaired by Prof. (Dr.) G.S Bajpai, Registrar, National Law University Delhi. The conference was attended by students from the Pepperdine University as well as the students of National Law University, Delhi. The conference was concluded reiterating the point that the criminal justice system needs to be specialized and that the criminal law in the country becomes a People’s law, rather than the State’s law.