Capsule Course on Law for the probationers of Indian Defence Estates Service
National Law University, Delhi in association with National Institute of Defence Estate Management, Ministry of Defence has organised a two-week Capsule Course on Law for the probationers of Indian Defence Estates Service. This is the third time NLUD has organised such course for the probationers of Indian Defence Estates Service. The two-week long course was organised in NLUD premise from March 9th-20, 2015. The course consists of 40 technical sessions covering different areas of public and private law. The target group consisted of nine Probationers of IDES.
The course was designed to serve the basic understanding of law and procedure to the participants. The discussion in various sessions concentrated upon the issues relating to defending of court cases and matters about administration of Cantonment Board and Managing Defence Lands. The resource persons have been invited from various fields of law having vast experience and knowledge in their respective areas to cater the demand of the course. The Course has achieved the object to great extent.
The course was co-ordinated by Mr. Neeraj Tiwari, Assistant Professor (Law) NLUD and Mr. S.D. Sharma, Consultant (Legal), NLUD.