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Home » Art of Living’s Breath-Water-Sound Workshop for NLU Delhi Support Staff (3-7 October, 2019)

Art of Living’s Breath-Water-Sound Workshop for NLU Delhi Support Staff (3-7 October, 2019)

Art of Living’s Breath-Water-Sound Workshop for NLU Delhi Support Staff (3-7 October, 2019)

Title: Art of Living’s Breath-Water-Sound Workshop for NLU Delhi Support Staff

A Breath-Water-Sound Workshop was organized for the support staff of National Law University Delhi from 3rd October-7th October 2019. This Workshop is Art of Living’s primary outreach program to address the challenges of economically and emotionally distressed communities by empowering them with the tools and techniques to fight these challenges. Stress-elimination and building inner confidence is the first step towards empowering these communities.

This was a five-day workshop, which saw the participation of 45 support staffs. They were taught simple yet powerful breathing technique, sound relaxation and meditation to help them attain a relaxed state of mind. They were also taught ways to handle negative emotions such as anger, guilt and regret. The participants shared that they experience a sense of peace and relaxation after doing the course and agreed to make these techniques a part of their daily life.

The Workshop was facilitated by Ms. Shrinkhala Jaiswal, Volunteer, Art of Living. She also works as a Research Fellow (Law) at the Centre for Innovation, Intellectual Property and Competition (CIIPC), National Law University Delhi.