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Abhyasa Exercise for III year Students as part of the course on Administrative Law (October 16, 2023)

Abhyasa Exercise for III year Students as part of the course on Administrative Law (October 16, 2023)

Administrative Law

Event Note for Abhyasa Exercise on Monday, 16th October, 2023

By: Mr. Ravindra Garimella

Topic: Parliamentary Control on Delegated Legislation

About the Speaker:

Mr. Ravindra Garimella is currently Secretary to the Leader of Opposition (Rajya Sabha). He is the author of the book “Parliament of India – Diverse Dimensions”, and an expert on Parliamentary procedures and matters. He is the former Joint Secretary (Legislation), Lok Sabha Secretariat, and Consultant. He has more than 30 years of experience as Officer at the Table. He has gained insights of workings of Parliament from a practitioner’s perspective, and possess domain expertise in matters relating to parliamentary privileges and Anti Defection Law cases. He was also Visiting Fellow at University of Warwick and A Visiting Fellow at the University of Nottingham, UK.

About the Session:

Mr. Ravindra Garimella dealt with the area of “Parliamentary Control on Delegated Legislation (DL)” in his session. He started the session by mentioning the basic concepts related to Subordinate Legislation, the need for control over subordinate legislation and the challenges faced in doing so. He then shared the insights upon the powers of the Parliament to delegate, and the ways in which Parliament exercises control over such delegation. Following from this, the discussion shifted towards the Committee on Subordinate Legislation, the historical background, term, composition, functions and the practicalities of the committee. The guest also highlighted and gave skill based insights into the working of the committee, the procedures followed, study tours, and the reports submitted by it. The guest shared his real life experiences upon the working of the Committees and direct control by Parliament upon DL. The session was concluded by realising that the Committee on Subordinate Legislation in our democratic polity assumes critical importance, and that this Committee has been vested upon the onerous responsibility to scrutinise and exercise parliamentary control over delegated legislation.

It was highly gainful session for the students.