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5th Vertical Interaction Course for IPS/ Senior Police Officers (17-22 February, 2020)

5th Vertical Interaction Course for IPS/ Senior Police Officers (17-22 February, 2020)
5th Vertical Interaction Course for IPS/ Senior Police Officers

on “Victimological Application to Police and

Criminal Justice Administration”


Organised by the Centre for Criminology and Victimology

17th February 2020 to 22nd February 2020


The inaugural of this five day was graced by the Guest of Honour Shri Prakash Singh, IPS, Former Director General of Police BSF; who delivered a Special Address to the gathering.


Vertical Interaction Course was attended by is being attended by senior level Police Officials, aims to provide meaningful insights into some of the most important areas of Victimology, from a policing perspective. The focus of the course would be on the rights of victims and their intersection with policing, favouring a victim-centric approach in criminal procedure.


The Bureau of Police Research and Development, New Delhi, sought nominations of serving Senior IPS Officers from various States to participate in the course. A total of 7 participants are attending the lectures by eminent resource persons which include cross-section of Faculty, Police Officers, Advocates, Social Activists and Academicians.


Over the span of five days, there will be 20 sessions conducted from a practical viewpoint and enhanced understanding of contemporary theoretical and judicial developments in Victimology, rights of the victims of crime and the importance of victimisation surveys in assessing and evaluating the status and concerns of crime victims.


The following sessions were held during the 5 days training:

Day 1, Session II: Victimological Application towards Policing, by Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Bajpai, Registrar and Course Director.

Session III: Victim Centric Training Perspectives, by Shri V. N. Rai, IPS, Former Director, National Police Academy, Hyderabad.

Session IV: Does the Law have enough for the Crime Victim?, by Shri Neeraj Tiwari, Assistant Professor NLU Delhi.


Day 2, Session V: Scientific Aids to Investigation: Precursor to Ensuring Justice, by Dr. G. K. Goswami, IPS, Joint Director, CBI, New Delhi.

Session VI: Compensation to the Victims of Crime, by Dr. K. P. Singh, IPS, DGP, Haryana, Human Rights Commission (HHRC).

Session VII: Restorative Processes in the context of CNCP and CCL Children, by Ms. Nimisha Srivastava, Programme Director, CSJ and Ms. Urvashi Tilak, Director Restorative Justice, CSJ.                  

Session VIII: Innovations in Police Response to Victims of crime by Smt. Anuradha Shankar, IPS, Addl. D. G. Training, PHQ, Bhopal.


Day 3, Session IX: Victim Support in Investigation of Offences, by Ms. Abha Singhal Joshi, Advocate.Session X: Victimization in Criminal Justice – Critical Approach, Shri I. D. Shukla, IPS, Joint Commissioner Police, Delhi

Session XI: Arbitrary Arrest and Victimisation & Prisoners and Victims- a complex overlapping Victimology, by Shri I. D. Shukla, IPS, Joint Commissioner Police, Delhi.


Day 4, Session XII: Police Response to Crimes against Women: Challenges and Proposed Solutions, by Ms. Devika Prasad, Head Police Response Programme, CHRI

Session XIII: Human Trafficking: Issues and Challenges, by Shri Ravikant, Director, ShaktiVahni.

Session XIV: Data regarding Victim of Crime and the Role of NCRB, by Shri Ram Phal Pawar, IPS, Director, National Crime Record Bureau.

Session XV: Fair Investigation and Positive Obligation towards Victims, Dr. Mukul Raizada, Associate Professor NLUD.


Day 5, Session XVI: Case Studies on typical lapses in Investigation, their impact, ways and means to avoid them, by Shri Bharat Chugh, Former Judge, Advocate Supreme Court of India, Partner – L&L Partners.

Session XVII: Need and Services for Victims of Sexual Assault, by Shri Bhanu Prakash, Senior Counsellor and Doctoral Research Scholar, O. P. Jindal Global University.

Session XVIII: Juvenile Justice as a Public Policy Tool for Crime Prevention and Role of Senior Police Officers, by Shri Anant Kumar Asthana, Advocate.

Session XIX-XX: Discussion and Feedback