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The Chair on IPR in National Law University Delhi (NLUD) was instituted by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India with the vision to “facilitate intellectual property education and research” in October, 2018. The central focus of the Chair is on the intersection of IP Law with public policy and international IP issues pertinent to India.

The overall objectives of the IPR Chair are laid out in the Scheme for Pedagogy and Research in IPRs for Holistic Education and Academia (SPRIHA). Details are available here: http://copyright.gov.in/Documents/SPRIHA.pdf

Under the guidance of Dr. Yogesh Pai, Associate Professor of Law, In-Charge of the DPIIT-IPR Chair at NLU Delhi, the Chair’s activities encompass a broad spectrum of initiative which includes research, comprehensive educational programs, diverse events as well as extensive outreach efforts, all aimed at advancing the fields of intellectual property (IP).
The Chair’s research initiatives explore new and emerging areas of IP, providing valuable insights to the field. It is also committed to advancing IP education through various programmes, such as L2Pro India, the Swayam Course on Intellectual Property, LL.M. Pro in IP Administration and Legislations, to name a few.

Further, to raise awareness among students, researchers, academicians and practitioners, the Chair dedicatedly organizes numerous events on IP Centric themes. Additionally, it engages in outreach activities, including a dedicated visitor’s program, to further its mission of promoting IP knowledge and understanding.

Website: https://iprchair.nludelhi.ac.in

Dr. Yogesh Pai

Associate Professor (Law) is the In-charge of IPR Chair and the Director of Centre for Innovation, Intellectual Property and Competition (CIIPC)

Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Bajpai