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Workshop on Ethics in Teaching 16 & 17 Oct., 2015

Workshop on Ethics in Teaching 16 & 17 Oct., 2015

Workshop on Ethics in Teaching

National Law University, Delhi organized Workshop on Ethics in Teaching under the auspices of Justice Bodh Raj Sawhny chair on professional ethics from 16-17 October, 2015.


Prof. (Dr.) K.P.S.Mahalwar is the Chair Professor of Justice Bodh Raj Sawhny Chair on Professional Ethics at National Law University, Delhi


The workshop consisted of more than 80 participants and 10 resource persons. Total 8 sessions were done that covered different aspects of ethics in teaching. 


The course was designed to serve the basic understanding of ethics and conduct that needs to be followed and observed. The teacher plays a very important and crucial role in shaping the character and personality of young minds. The workshop aimed at strengthening the faculty and students both. The resource persons were invited from various fields of specializations having vast experience and knowledge in their respective areas to cater the demand of the workshop. The workshop has achieved the object to great extent.


The course was coordinated by Mr. Sidharth Dahiya, Research Associate (law) NLUDNational Law University, Delhi organized Workshop on Ethics in Teaching under the auspices of Justice Bodh Raj Sawhny chair on professional ethics from 16-17 October, 2015.


Prof. (Dr.) K.P.S.Mahalwar is the Chair Professor of Justice Bodh Raj Sawhny Chair on Professional Ethics at National Law University, Delhi


The workshop consisted of more than 80 participants and 10 resource persons. Total 8 sessions were done that covered different aspects of ethics in teaching. 


The course was designed to serve the basic understanding of ethics and conduct that needs to be followed and observed. The teacher plays a very important and crucial role in shaping the character and personality of young minds. The workshop aimed at strengthening the faculty and students both. The resource persons were invited from various fields of specializations having vast experience and knowledge in their respective areas to cater the demand of the workshop. The workshop has achieved the object to great extent.


The course was coordinated by Mr. Sidharth Dahiya, Research Associate (law) NLUD