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Visit of Academic Delegation from University of Glasgow, November 04, 2016

Visit of Academic Delegation from University of Glasgow, November 04, 2016

A delegation from University of Glasgow visited NLU Delhi on November 4, 2016. The delegation consisted of Prof. Iain MacNeil  (Head of School of Law and  Alexander Stone Chair of Commercial Law), Dr Sukhpreet Singh (CREATe Programme Leader and Senior University Teacher, School of Law), Prof. William Cushley (International Dean for Eurasia and South Asia) and Ms Lexy Dowcra (Senior International Officer). The delegation discussed with Prof. (Dr) Ranbir Singh (Vice Chancellor, NLU Delhi), Prof. (Dr) G.S. Bajpai (Registrar, NLU Delhi) and other faculty members potential areas of collaboration. Prof. Iain MacNeil later delivered a lecture on ‘Misconduct in Financial Markets’ and Dr Sukhpreet Singh delivered a lecture on ‘Copyright and its Negative Spaces – A Case Study of TV Formats’.