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Talk by Ms Angela Diveley, Attorney, Federal Trade Commission, Washington DC, US

Talk by Ms Angela Diveley, Attorney, Federal Trade Commission, Washington DC, US 
Thursday, 6th Aug 2015
National Law University, Delhi conducted a talk by Ms Angela Diveley, Attorney, Federal Trade Commission, Washington DC, US at its campus on 6th Aug.2015 at 12.00 noon on the topic of ‘US Anti-Trust laws’.  Ms.  Komal Kalha, Senior Legal Counsel for Intellectual Property, US Patent & Trademark Office, Foreign Commercial Services, Embassy of the USA, New Delhi was also present on the occasion. Ms. Angela discussed the anti-trust law and the legal issues relating to the abuse of dominance, anti-competitive practices by companies and the combinations in the United States. The talk was attended by almost 80 students and faculty members and was followed by a brief Question-Answer session with the students.