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Symposium on Victim Advocacy (December 9, 2019)

Symposium on Victim Advocacy (December 9, 2019)


Organised by Centre for Criminology and Victimology

at National Law University Delhi, on Monday, 9th December 2019

The Centre for Criminology and Victimology at NLU Delhi organised a Symposium on Victim Advocacy. Professionals, advocates, and stakeholders involved in victim justice were invited for an engaging dialogue and discussion. The Welcome Address was delivered by Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh, Vice Chancellor, National Law University Delhi and Introduction to the Course was given by Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Bajpai, Registrar and Professor, National Law University Delhi. Prof. (Dr.) S. K. D. Rao, Vice Chancellor, National Law University Orissa, greeted the audience with his views and participated in the symposium.

Resource persons from five different organisations put across their views on victim advocacy and practical mechanisms to provide assistance to victims. The programme saw participation of around 20 researchers.

Various legal practitioners; academicians; first responders; and victim service providers (governmental and non-governmental) that were invited are:

Ms. Nimisha, Counsel to Secure Justice

Ms. Urmi Duggal, RAHI Foundation

Mr. Ravi Kant, President, Shakti Vahini

Ms. Anjali Pathak, URJA

Mr. Prabhat Kumar, Head – Child Protection, Save the Children Foundation

The Centre for Criminology and Victimology at NLU Delhi is to launch an accreditation course on Victim Advocacy aimed at creating a class of public spirited professionals who are adequately trained to cater to the needs and requirements of the victims. The course shall equip both system advocates and community advocates, with the knowledge and training to respond to the victims on various issues related to rights, needs, and protection of victims, etc.

The aim of the Symposium was to gather, absorb and disseminate the perspectives, opinions and experiences of legal practitioners; academicians; first responders; and victim service providers (governmental and non-governmental). The event was organised with the objective of determining the points of focus which are pre-requisite to conduct the proposed accreditation course.