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Symposium on Arbitration Laws

Symposium on Arbitration Laws
In an effort to bring together practitioners, and academia, for assessing and enriching the discourse on the development of arbitration law in India, the Centre for Alternate Dispute Resolution located at National Law University, Delhi hosted a one day symposium on Arbitration Laws on 16 May 2015.
The Symposium comprised of two sessions which dealt with topical issues in the field of arbitration.

Interpretation of Pre-BALCO agreements in relation to express/implied exclusion of Part I of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996
Reference of Non-signatory parties to arbitration

The following resource persons consented to be panellists at the event:

Mr. Gourab Banerji, Senior Advocate and Former ASG of India
Mr. Subramonium Prasad, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India
Mr. Devansh Mohta, Advocate, Supreme Court of India
Mr. Debesh Panda, Advocate, Delhi High Court & Supreme Court of India
Mr. Ashutosh Ray, Law Assistant to Justice A.M. Ahmadi, Former CJI

The event marked attendance from members of various corporate law firms and students of Law Universities across India.