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Report Launch – Perspectives of Justice – Restorative Justice and Child Sexual Abuse in India on March 17, 2018

Report Launch – Perspectives of Justice – Restorative Justice and Child Sexual Abuse in India on March 17, 2018

The Centre for Criminology & Victimology (CCV) National Law University Delhi and Centre to Secure Justice (CSJ) have today launched their research study on “Perspectives of Justice – Restorative Justice and Child Sexual Abuse in India” at the India International Centre, New Delhi. It was attended by a large number of social activists, lawyers, human rights workers including Ms. Stuti Kacher, Chairperson, NCPCR and Sh. Ramesh Negi, Chairperson, DCPCR. This research makes strong case for using Restorative Justice techniques in cases of Child Sexual Abuse in India. As an empirical study focussing the survivors, family members, police officials, JJ Board Members, lawyers and community members, it brings out the voices presenting the different perspectives of justice based on their ideology and background. The study presents a powerful critique of legal regime of POSCO and its failure in effectively addressing the concerns of survivors and offers the avenues to restore the harm done to the victims and relationships. Through, the data collected from the field, the study highlights important role of community in mobilising the resources for the peaceful resolution of crime done to the victim. The Restorative justice model has been shown to facilitate offenders in putting their apology and express their regret to the harm done to the victims.

National Law University Delhi and Centre to Secure Justice were together to conceive and collaborate this first of its kind study in India which is going to be a significant contribution in exploring the alternative ways of dealing with survivors, offenders and child sexual abuse.