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Programmes organised by National Law University, Delhi commemorate 75 years of India’s Independence (Bharat ka Amrut Mahotsav)

Programmes organised by  National Law University, Delhi commemorate  75 years of India’s Independence (Bharat ka Amrut Mahotsav)



14th April 2021 – Celebration of  Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Birth Anniversary.  Floral tributes were paid to Dr. Ambedkar by the Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of the National Law University Delhi.


10th August 2021 – Talk on “Duty to cherish the noble ideals which inspired out National Struggle for Freedom” by Prof. Ishwara Bhat, Professor of Law & Vice-Chancellor, Karnataka State Law University. Prof. Bhat stressed on the importance of performance of the ideals enshrined in the Constitution to realise the goals of a just, equitable, peaceful and harmonious social order. The talk was attended by the teaching and non-teaching staff of the university.


11th August 2021 –  An exhibition of books and other published materials was held in the Library Complex of the National Law University Delhi. The exhibition showcased 50 books on different themes and topics written by prominent writers discussing the role of revolutionary heroes like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Dr. B R. Ambedkar, Sri Aurobindo, Subhas Chandra Bose and many more. The exhibition displayed various articles published in leading Newspapers highlighting the glory and sacrifices made by Freedom Fighters.  The exhibition was inaugurated by Prof. (Dr.) Srikrishna Deva Rao, Vice Chancellor and National Law University Delhi in presence of Prof. (Dr.) Anupama Goel, Professor of Law and Registrar, Prof. (Dr.) Maheshwar Singh, Professor of Political Science, along with other senior faculty members and library staff. While addressing the august gathering, Prof. Srikrishna Deva Rao highlighted that the integration of reading and writings strategies helps researchers and writers to leap from knowing to understanding.


13th August 2021 – Talk on “Law and Dharama” by Prof. Makarand R. Paranjpe, Professor of English at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Prof. Paranjpe emphasised on Dharma as an important source of a just legal order. He cited instances from Indian History (Ancient and Modern), literature and stories to underscore his proposal regarding the necessity of Dharma towards the achievement of just society. Talk was followed by Q&A Session.