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NLU Delhi’s Team Emerge as Quarter Finalists at the Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot 2023 (Hong Kong)

NLU Delhi’s Team Emerge as Quarter Finalists at the Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot 2023 (Hong Kong)

National Law University Delhi’s team comprising Akshat Jain, Jigme Palzer Tshering, and Prakhar Rathore was adjudged as the Quarter Finalists at the prestigious Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot 2023 held in Hong Kong SAR between 19th- 26th March. The Vis Moot is the world’s leading competition for international commercial arbitration.

The team also received the David Hunter Honourable Mention for Best Claimant Memorandum and the Fali S Nariman Honourable Mention for Best Respondent Memorandum. This equals the best performance of NLU Delhi at the Vis East Moot competition.