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NLU Delhi Wins the 7th NLS NMC (Client Counselling Segment)

NLU Delhi Wins the 7th NLS NMC (Client Counselling Segment)

The National Law University, Delhi team comprising Shubhankar Tiwari (III year) and Shraddha (I year) along with their coach Preksha Sharma (IV year) has been adjudged as the winners of the 7th NLS NMC (Client Counselling Segment). The competition was held from April 28, 2021 to May 2, 2021.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s edition of NMC was organized in a virtual mode by the ADR Board of National Law School of India University, Bengaluru. The team faced GLC Mumbai in the finals. The finals were judged by an esteemed three member panel comprising Ambassador (Retd.) Menahem Kanafi- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Mr. Atul Sharma- Managing Partner: Link Legal and Mr. CK Nandakumar-Advocate, FCIArb.