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National Seminar On Labour Laws in Emerging India, November 11-12, 2017

National Seminar On Labour Laws in Emerging India, November 11-12, 2017

Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance, (CTAG), National Law University, Delhi in collaboration with National Labour Law Association and Friedrich Ebert Foundation, New Delhi Organised a two day (11-12 Nov 2017) national Seminar on Labour law in emerging India.

The Seminar received an overwhelming response from all strata of society. The Seminar began with welcome address by the Dr. Pravin Sinha, President NLLA.   The Guest of Honor address was delivered by Prof BT Kaul, Chairperson Delhi Judicial Academy New Delhi. Prof, Santosh Mehrotra, Senior Professor of Economics, JNU Delhi & Former, DG, IAMPR, Planning Commission GOI, New Delhi delivered a special Address during inaugural program of the Seminar. Key note speech was delivered by Prof S.C Srivastava, Secretary   General, National Labour Law Association, India. Chief Guest Prof M.P Singh, Chancellor, Central      University Haryana, Former VC NUJS delivered inaugural and Chief Guest Address on the occasion.

The proceedings of the Seminar were divided into five main technical sessions covering important contemporary issues. The Seminar deliberated upon some important burning issues such as labour law reforms, impact of globalization, privatization and liberalization on workers, deplorable conditions of contract workers, industrial adjudicatory mechanism, the role of the Judiciary in protecting and promoting workers’ rights, etc.

The seminar was addressed by a galaxy of imminent speakers from different specializations. The Prominent speakers presided over various technical sessions. The Galaxy of imminent speakers included Dr. Pravin Sinha, President NLLA, Prof S.C Srivastava, Secretary   General, National Labour Law Association, India, Prof BT Kaul, Chairperson Delhi Judicial Academy New Delhi, Prof, Santosh Mehrotra, Senior Professor of Economics, JNU Delhi & Former, DG, IAMPR, Planning Commission GOI, New Delhi, Dr Onkar Sharma, Dy Chief Labour Commissioner, (CLC) New Delhi, Mr  Ved Prakash Yajurvedi, Former Director VVG NLI, Noida, Mr Amit Vashistha, RPFC, EPFO, New Delhi, Mr GP Shrivastava, Assochem, New Delhi, Mr Virjesh Upadhyay, Secretary, BMS, New Delhi, Faculty from VVGNLI etc.