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Home » National Dialogue for Formulating Guidelines for Incest Cases- 03.09.2015

National Dialogue for Formulating Guidelines for Incest Cases- 03.09.2015

National Dialogue for Formulating Guidelines for Incest Cases- 03.09.2015

National Law University, Delhi in association with Counsel to Secure Justice (CSJ) and HAQ: Centre for Child Rights organised a National level Dialogue for formulating guidelines for incest cases on  03rd September 2015 from 10:00am to 5:30pm at NLU Delhi.

Currently, HAQ and CSJ are giving free legal aid and psychosocial support services to more than 80 CSA victims in Delhi.  Disturbingly, nearly 30% of these cases are incest cases. While representing these children, it has been learned that incest cases require special and more sensitive handling than other types of CSA cases, for which at present no legal provisions or guidelines exist.

This dialogue was organised to bring together all the stakeholders who handle incest/child sexual abuse cases for the purpose of preparing guidelines to handle such cases and to decide how these guidelines should be implemented