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MoU Signed Between the Sage Publications and NLU Delhi

MoU Signed Between the Sage Publications and NLU Delhi

As per the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Sage Publications and NLU Delhi, the existing Journals of National Law University Delhi will now be published by the Sage Publications. In addition to this, NLU Delhi has also launched the other Journal namely Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice, which will also be published by the Sage Publications.

As a result of this undertaking both the Journals will now be a global publication following the international protocols of publishing the quality manuscripts in the selected areas with a strict review process. In this professionally managed exercise, all the process would be online. Call for manuscripts in both the Journals is open. The following emails can be used until the dedicated website for the Journals are announced.

Email are:

[email protected]               –         http://isvindia.webs.com

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