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LL.M. (Pro.) Orientation Programme – 2019 Batch [August 31, 2019]

LL.M. (Pro.) Orientation Programme – 2019 Batch [August 31, 2019]

Orientation of the LL.M. (Professional) Programme

The orientation of the LL.M. (Professional) Programme happened on the 31st August, 2019, for the academic year 2019-20, in the Moot Court Hall, NLU Delhi. This year 68 candidates have been admitted to the LL.M. pro programme.

The LL.M. (Professional) Programme has been crafted specifically to enrich academic excellence in Professional services. It is a niche programme curated to serve professionals in their endeavour to academically update or enhance themselves.

The programme spans a period of one academic year, running from August to June, and is conducted through a mixed mode of distance education and contact learning. Contact classes are held at National Law University Delhi, for minimum one week each semester, as per the schedule notified by the University.