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Law and Technology Development Programme under Fulbright Specialist (11 May – 12 June, 2019)

Law and Technology Development Programme under Fulbright Specialist (11 May – 12 June, 2019)

Prof. J. Danixia Cuevas, Professor at Miami Dade College, Miami, Florida, is currently visiting National Law University Delhi, as a Fulbright Specialist under the Fulbright Specialist Programme. Her visit resulted through NLUD’s application for inviting her and her stay here from May 8, 2019 till June 14, 2019. As proposed in the invitation, she has commenced on training the NLUD faculty members and research associates; towards developing interactive online courses.

Faculty Development Programme includes:

Introduction to Course, Demonstration of different modules/software.

Training on Coursesite, on Powtoons, Microsoft Sway, and on Softchalk.

Training Programme/Lectures for students include:

Legal Ethics/India and America; The use of global community paralegals; Case examples India, Africa and South America; Workshop on Client Interviewing Skills; and Interaction with Legal Aid faculty for Street Law Programme.

This is one of the few training programmes that incorporate personal individual interaction. Dr. Cuevas will be available to meet with the faculty on a one-to-one basis, assisting them with developing their teaching modules.