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International Day of Yoga (21st June, 2019)

International Day of Yoga (21st June, 2019)

International Day of Yoga, or shortly Yoga Day, is celebrated annually on 21st June, since it was recognised Internationally since 2015. It has been declared by the United Nations General Assembly to be celebrated all across the World, especially its nation of origin, India.

National Law University Delhi recognised and practiced Yoga day in the afternoon of 21st  June, 2019, amidst its Faculty and Non-Teaching Members. This was to promote better health and wellness through Yoga, which is a combination of physical, mental, and spiritual practice originating in India. All the participants started with practicing stretching, followed by performing simple asana that they could later do at home, ending with breathing and meditative exercises.

Yoga is a holistic practice an ancient tradition focusing on collaborative healing of all internal and external parts of the body and psyche. At NLUD along with performing breathing and physical exercises, there was an explanation by the guide on benefits of yoga, and how it reintegrates being unified within oneself, especially dealing with stress and modern lifestyle.

Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, stressed on “Yoga for peace, harmony, and progress”, and that “the government would be working to make Yoga a pillar of the ‘preventive healthcare and wellness’ system.”

At NLUD we welcomed this National thought of Yoga becoming an integral part of our lives for holistic healing and well-being; leading to healthy body, mind, society, and nature.