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CCV, NLU Delhi is organising a Symposium on Criminal Law

National Symposium on Strengthening the Rule of Law through Principled Criminalisation

For research scholars, academicians & practitioners in criminal law

No registration fee | Limited seats

This symposium will critically examine the principles of criminalisation, the evolving landscape of criminal law under the new legal framework, and the balance between justice and procedural efficiency. Discussion will also explore victim justice, integration of forensic and technology in criminal justice administration and the interpretation of New Criminal Laws.

Register now:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uiMhHp68I196RQkdoSvmQlmfSiRYj5yJy5m30A7KpCA/edit

Join the Symposium for a promising discourse on the future of criminal justice administration.

Click here to download the Flyer.