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Capacity Development Programme on Advanced Labour & Industrial Laws, December 12-18, 2016

Capacity Development Programme on Advanced Labour & Industrial Laws, December 12-18, 2016

The CTAG and NALT organised a seven day programme on “Capacity Development Programme for Teachers on Advanced Labour and Industrial Laws” from 12 Dec to 18 Dec 2016.  23 Participants from public and private Universities/colleges across the Nation participated in the program.

The Program focused on contemporary issues relating to Labour Code on Industrial Relations 2015; Labour Code on Wages 2015; Teaching Labour and Industrial Laws ; Fundamentals of Admin Law for Labour Law   Teaching ; Impact of LPG on Workers; Labour Reforms and Protection of Workers; Social Security Agreements and International Workers; Collective Bargaining &  Workers Participation in Management of Industry; Unorganised sector Workers: Wages and Conditions of workers ; Unorganised sector Workers: Social Security and Welfare Funds  ; Domestic Workers; Law regulating child and women workers ; Law Regulating Apprentices; Empowerment of Labour Tribunals Under IPC, Cr PC, and CPC; Law making process in case of Labour and Industrial Laws   ; Prosecution proceedings under Labour and Industrial Laws   ; International Institutions/Instruments and migrant workers  ; The Judiciary and Protection of workers and Landmark Decisions on Labour and Industrial Laws

Resource persons for the said program includes Justice V Gopal Gowda Former Judge Supreme Court of India; Justice S N Dhingra, Former Judge Delhi High Court; Professor S C Srivastava, Former Head and Dean, Faculty of Law Kurukshetra University; Professor BT Kaul, Chairman, Delhi Judicial Academy;  Prof S K Sashikumar, Senior Fellow, VVGNLI Noida;  Dr Onkar Sharma, Central Regional Labour Commissioner, New Delhi , Mr. Amit Vashistha Senior Regional PF Commissioner, EPFO, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Mr. GP Srivastava, Chief Advisor ASSOCHAM, New Delhi; Shri Virjesh Kr.Upadhyay Secretary BMS, New Delhi,  Mr. Pravin Sinha, Secretary, NLLA and IIRA, ,New Delhi,  Mr. Satish Kumar, Asstt Director Apprentices Training, New Delhi; and  Dr J S Mann,  NLU Delhi.