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Advanced Training Session on Microsoft Excel for non-teaching staff ( 31st May, 2023)

Advanced Training Session on Microsoft Excel for non-teaching staff ( 31st May, 2023)

Report on the Administrative Training Programme and Advance MS Excel Training Session for Non-Teaching Staff held at  NLU Delhi on May 31, 2023

IQAC, NLU Delhi, organised an advanced MS Excel training session  for non-teaching staff on May 31, 2023 at Library Research Room and Library Information Research Centre at 2:30 pm until 4:30 pm . The purpose of the training session was to improve the competence and effectiveness of non-teaching administrative officials of NLUD while utilising MS Excel’s more complex features and functions for administrative work, data management analysis  and efficient administrative operations at the university. Total of 24 non-teaching staff members from different NLU Delhi departments and administrative divisions attended the training event. The participants were chosen based on the importance of MS Excel abilities to their everyday duties and the participants’ professional roles.

A certified MS Excel specialist with vast experience in providing similar training programmes led the training session. The meeting was split into two sections:

1.      Advanced MS Excel Training: The instructor went over a number of complex MS Excel subjects, including but not limited to:

·         Advanced functions and formulas

·         Conditional formatting and data validation

·         Pivot charts and tables

·         Tools for data analysis

2.      Administrative Training Programme:An administrative training programme was also held to improve the non-teaching staff’s eneral administrative abilities in addition to the MS Excel training. This programme  covers the following subjects:

·         Using time management strategies

·         Good communication abilities

·         Decision-making and problem-solving techniques

·         group effort and cooperation

·         etiquette in the workplace

The participants regarded this programme to be of great value since it gave them the tools they needed to improve their administrative performance and make their workplaces more productive.