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Home » 9th International Women and Business Conference on – ‘Business Empowerment of Women & Sustainability’ on Oct. 24-26, 2018

9th International Women and Business Conference on – ‘Business Empowerment of Women & Sustainability’ on Oct. 24-26, 2018

9th International Women and Business Conference on – ‘Business Empowerment of Women & Sustainability’ on Oct. 24-26, 2018

The summary captures the 9th International Women and Business Conference organised by National Law University Delhi in collaboration with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and Trakya University and (24th – 26th October, 2018). The event brought together 16 paper presenters from different parts of India and the world including Istanbul, Germany, South Africa, Israel etc. The conference began with the opening remark of Hon’ble Justice Ravi R. Tripathi (Retd. Judge High Court of Gujarat), who was the chief guest for the function, Prof. Ranbir Singh (Vice-Chancellor, NLU Delhi), Prof. Dr. Kıymet Çalıyurt (Trakya University) and Prof. Harpreet Kaur (President of the conference and Professor NLU Delhi).

The conference was inaugurated on the evening of Oct 24, 2018. The deliberations began form Oct 26, 2018. Two plenary sessions and three parallel sessions on ‘Business Empowerment of Women and Sustainability’ were conducted on Day Two. It continued with the presentations from legal professors, scholars and experts of the field. The presenters in length discussed the noteworthy initiatives relevant to the conference theme of business empowerment of women and sustainability. The presenters deliberated on various issues related to women entrepreneurship and empowerment such as role of corporate social responsibility in women empowerment, social entrepreneurship, gender diverse boards, women board directors etc.