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4th Advanced Course in Law Enforcement – MP Police Directly Recruited DSP Officers (17-23 March, 2021)

4th Advanced Course in Law Enforcement – MP Police Directly Recruited DSP Officers (17-23 March, 2021)

National Law University, Delhi

4th Advanced Course in Law Enforcement – MP Police Directly Recruited DSP Officers under the aegis of the K.L. Arora Chair in Criminal Law & Centre for Criminology and Victimology

17th -23rd March, 2021



The National Law University Delhi through its MOU with the MP Police has been organising a week-long course since 2017 for MP Police Officers undergoing basic training. This time the course was held for 42nd DSP probationers Batch of the MP Police Academy from 17th-23rd March, 2021, at NLU Delhi.


In the Inaugural session held on Wednesday, 17th March, 2021, the Welcome Address was delivered by Prof. Srikrishna Deva Rao, Vice-Chancellor, National Law University Delhi. An Introduction about the Course was given by Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Bajpai, Professor of Criminology & Criminal Justice, NLU Delhi and Course Director. Prof. (Dr.) Anupama Goel, Registrar, NLU Delhi spoke about the importance of community outreach in policing.


Special Guest Shri Sudhir Kumar Saxena, IPS, SDG (HQ), CISF spoke to the DSP officers about practices they must inculcate once they’re posted into the field.


Guest of Honour Smt. Anuradha Shankar, IPS, ADG (Training), MP Police spoke about the history of the MOU between NLU Delhi and the MP Police Academy.


Sh. Vineet Kapoor, IPS and Dy. Director, MPPA delivered the vote of thanks on behalf of the MP Police Academy


The Inaugural session elaborated on the following:

Purpose and Structure of the Course

Nature of MP Police MoU and Collaboration

Outline of the week’s schedule

Vote of thanks


Over the span of seven days of sessions from 17th-23rd March 2021, there were sessions scheduled by legal and police luminaries like: Dr. G. K. Goswami, IPS, IG ATS Lucknow who spoke on “Advanced Forensics and Case Laws in Recent Times: Challenges for Investigation”; Technical Investigations and Cyber Forensics – Competencies and Rising Standards of Excellence by Dr. Aparajita Bhat, Assistant Professor, NLU Delhi; a session by Shri Sanjay Vashishtha, Advocate, Supreme Court of India; Mr. M. L. Sharma, IPS, Former Spl. Director, CBI, discussed on Financial Frauds, Economic Offences and Anti-Corruption Laws: Challenges for Investigation; Sh. Ravinder Dudeja, DJA, Director Administration, spoke on “Challenges in Crime Investigation and Supervision: Court Observations on Commonly Sighted Gaps”; Prof. Krishna Deva Rao, Vice Chancellor, NLU Delhi on “Investigation and arrest”; Sh. Rajender Singh, Former ACP, Dwarka on “Best practices of Police in Delhi” and Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Bajpai NLU Delhi elaborated on “Victim Justice – Identifying Gaps in Police Performances and Locating Strategies to fill them”. For practical exposure, the participants were taken to field visits by Dr. Mukul Raizada on “visits of Cyber Crime Investigation Unit of Delhi; Dr. Sidharth Dahiya on “visit to Police Station and interaction with SHO” and Ms Aneesha Rana on “visit to Special Police Unit for Women and Children (SPUWAC)”. 


The Valedictory Session was held on 23rd March, 2021. Prof. Srikrishna Deva Rao, Vice-Chancellor, National Law University Delhi delivered the opening address. Sh. VSK Kaumudi, IPS, DG, BPR&D also addressed the participants. The Valedictory Address was delivered by Sh. V N Rai, IPS Former Director, NPA Hyderabad, on the topic Ethical Codes and Bench Marks for the Police: Challenges of Compliance. Ms. Nikita Gogulwar, an officer of the 42nd DSP Batch of MP Police Academy spoke about the various sessions they attended and their field visits. The vote of thanks on behalf of the MP Police Academy was delivered by Dr. Vineet Kapoor, IPS and Dy. Director, MPPA. Lastly, the vote of thanks on behalf of NLU Delhi was delivered by Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Bajpai, Professor of Criminology & Criminal Justice, NLU Delhi and Course Director. Amongst the esteemed guests was also present Sh. Rajesh Chawla, IPS, ADG and Director, MP Police Academy, Bhopal.