Page 29 - NLUD Act
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Chap. V,  Sec.29       Officers of the University              23

                               (2)   No action under sub-section (1) shall be taken against any person
                                   unless he has been given an opportunity to show cause against the
                                   action proposed to be taken.
                               (3) A copy of the resolution passed by the Governing Council shall be
                                   immediately sent to the person concerned.
                               (4) any person aggrieved by the decision of the Governing Council may
                                   appeal to the Chancellor within thirty days from the date of receipt of
                                   such resolution.
                               (5) the decision of the Chancellor in such appeal shall be final.

                            29. Discipline:-
                               (1) The final authority responsible for maintenance of discipline among
                                   the students of the University shall be the Vice-Chancellor. His
                                   directions in that behalf shall be carried out by the heads of
                                   departments, hostels and institutions.
                               (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) the punishment
                                   of debarring a student from an examination, or rustication from the
                                   University, or a hostel or an institution shall, on the report of the Vice-
                                   Chancellor, be considered and imposed by the Executive Council:

                                   Provided that no such punishment shall be imposed without giving
                                   the students concerned a reasonable opportunity to show cause
                                   against the action proposed to be taken against him.

                            30. Deemed Validity of Appointments:-
                               Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law or instrument having
                               the force of law for the time being in force, the appointments made to any
                               post in the University in accordance with the Statutes and Regulations
                               shall be deemed to be valid and in accordance with law.

                            31.  Vacancy, etc. Not to Invalidate any act of Proceeding:-
                               No act or proceeding of the Governing Council, the Executive Council or
                               any other authority or officer or body of the University shall be invalidated
                               or questioned on the ground merely of the existence of any vacancy or
                               defect in the constitution thereof.
                            32. Indemnity against General Proceedings:-
                               No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the
                               University or any authority or officer or employee of the University for
                               anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done in pursuance
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