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Chap. VI,  Sec.22      Officers of the University              21

                                       authority to take disciplinary action against such employees in
                                       accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed;
                                   (d) comply with all direction and orders of the Executive Council
                                       and Vice-Chancellor;

                                   e)  Be the custodian of records, common seal and such other
                                       property of the University as the Executive Council shall commit
                                       to his charge.

                               **(3) The term of appointment of the Registrar shall be for a Period of five
                                   years or till he attains the age of sixty –five years, whichever his
                                   earlier, and he shall be eligible for re-appointment by the Vice-
                                   Chancellor with the approval of the Chancellor.

                            22. Heads of Department:-
                               (1) there shall be a head for each department in the University.
                               (2) The powers, functions, appointments and conditions of service of the
                                   heads of the departments shall be as prescribed by the Regulations.

                            23. Other Officers and Employees:-
                               (1) Subject to the Regulations made for the purpose, every officer or
                                   employees of the University shall be appointed in  accordance with a
                                   written  contract which shall be lodged with the University and a copy
                                   thereof shall  be furnished to the officer or employees concerned.
                               (2) Any dispute arising out of a contract between the University and any
                                   of its officers or employees shall, at the request of the officer or the
                                   employee concerned or at the instance of the University, be  referred
                                   to a Tribunal for arbitration consisting of three members appointed by
                                   the Executive Council as prescribed by the Regulations.

                            24. Selection Committees:-
                               (1) The Executive Council shall constitute various selection committees
                                   for appointment to the posts of officers and non-teaching staff, including
                                   last grade service and contingent staff. The procedure for appointment
                                   of members of selection committees and the procedure to be adopted
                                   by the committees shall be as may be prescribed by the Regulations.

                            25. Statutes and Regulations:-
                               (1) the first Statutes of the University shall be made by the Vice-Chancellor
                                   with the approval of the Chancellor. They shall be placed before the
                            ** Inserted vide Delhi Act 7 of 2009 published in Delhi Gazette on 22.6.2009.
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