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20               NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY  ACT, 2008  Chap. IV,  Sec.21

                                   (c) preside over the meetings of the Governing Council in the absence
                                       of the Chancellor;
                                   (d) be the competent authority to appoint the teachers, librarians,
                                       finance officer and other officers in consultation with the
                                       Chancellor on the recommendations of the selection committee
                                       appointed by the Executive Council thereof for that purpose in
                                       accordance with the guidelines prescribed;
                                   (e) be the competent authority to take disciplinary action against
                                       the above officers in accordance with the procedure prescribed;
                                   (f)  have all powers relating to the maintenance of proper discipline
                                       in the University.
                                   (g) if, in his opinion, any emergency has arisen which requires that
                                       immediate action be taken, he shall take such action as he may
                                       deem fit and shall report the same for confirmation in the next
                                       meeting of the authority which , in the ordinary course, would
                                       have dealt with the matter.

                            21. Registrar:-
                               *(1) The Registrar, who shall be an academic person in law not below the
                                   rank of a Professor shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the
                                   recommendation of the selection committee constituted by the
                                   Executive Council and headed by the Vice-Chancellor on such terms
                                   and conditions of service as the selection committee may specify
                                   subject to the provisions of the Statutes and Regulations.
                               (2) The Registrar shall;
                                   (a) Be ex-officio Secretary of all the authorities, committees and
                                       other bodies of the University and shall also be the Convenor of
                                       all the meetings. He shall note and maintain the minutes of the
                                   (b) be the Principal adjutant of the Vice-Chancellor in all matters
                                       pertaining to the administration of the University. The Executive
                                       Council may entrust to him special responsibilities and powers;
                                   (c) have the power to appoint, with the approval of the Vice-
                                       Chancellor, the non-teaching staff, including employees of last
                                       grade service and contingent staff in pursuance of the
                                       recommendations of the selection committee, appointed for that
                                       purpose, in the prescribed manner. He shall be the competent

                            * Amended vide Delhi Act 7 of 2009 published in Delhi Gazette on 22.6.2009.
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