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22               NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY  ACT, 2008  Chap. V,  Sec.26

                                   Governing Council at its first meeting, which may adopt them with or
                                   without modifications. Subsequent Statutes or modification in the
                                   Statutes shall be made by the Governing Council.
                               (2) The first Regulations of the University shall be made by the Vice-
                                   Chancellor with the approval of the Chancellor. They shall be placed
                                   before the Executive Council at its first meeting which may adopt
                                   them with or without modifications. Subsequent Regulations or
                                   modification in the Regulations shall be made by the Executive

                            * 26.Appointment of first Vice-Chancellor and first Registrar:-
                               Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act and the Statutes, the First
                               Vice-Chancellor who shall be an academic person in law or an eminent
                               jurist shall be appointed by the Chancellor and shall hold office of the
                               Vice-Chancellor for a period of five years and the person so appointed
                               shall be eligible for grant of extension in tenure by the Chancellor. The
                               first Registrar who shall be an academic person in law and the rank of not
                               less than a professor shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the
                               recommendations of the Vice-Chancellor. The said officer shall hold office
                               for a period of five years or till a regular Registrar is appointed, whichever
                               is earlier.

                            27. Honorary Degrees:-
                               If not less than two-thirds of the members of the Academic Council
                               recommend that a honorary degree or academic distinction be conferred
                               on any person on the ground that he is, in their opinion, by reason of
                               eminent  attainment and position, fit and proper to receive such degree or
                               academic distinction , the Governing Council may, be a resolution, decide
                               that the same be conferred on the person recommended.

                            28. Withdrawal of Degree or Diploma:-
                               (1) The Governing Council may, on the recommendation of the Executive
                                   Council, withdraw any distinction, degree, diploma or privilege
                                   conferred on, or granted to, any person, by a resolution passed by
                                   the majority of total membership of the Governing Council and by a
                                   majority of not less than two-third of  the members of the Governing
                                   Council present and voting, at the meeting, if such person has been
                                   convicted by a court of law for an offence, which in the opinion of the
                                   Governing Council, involves moral turpitude or if he has been guilty of
                                   gross misconduct.

                            * Amended vide Delhi Act 7 of 2009 published in Delhi Gazette on 22.6.2009.
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